
There are 2 types of Remessas: 240 positions and 400 positions.

Options available by bank:

Banco 240 400
Bancoob yes yes
Banrisul yes* yes
Banco do Brasil yes* yes
Banco do Nordeste no yes*
Bradesco yes* yes
Caixa Econônica Federal yes* yes
HSBC no yes
Itaú yes* yes
Santander yes* yes
Sicredi yes* yes


* requires homologation

All banks have information that is shared such as:

carteira:Bank contracts.
beneficiario:The Beneficiário

All banks have the same methods for file generation. What changes are the fields required by each bank:

// Add a single bill to a send object. Here need a instance of Boleto.
$send->addBoleto(BoletoContract $detalhe);

// Add multiples bill to a send object. Here need a array of instances of Boleto.
$send->addBoletos(BoletoContract[] $boletos);

// Return a string of file.
// It depends on the instance, 240 or 400 positions.

// Saves the string to a file on the disk whose path was passed in $path argument.

// Force file download.
// If you pass the $filename argument it overwrites the name in the download.
$send->download($filename = null);

See also

API send docs
Documentation for return objects.
Examples of use