
All banks have information that is shared such as:

logo:Path with logo image. [default: Without logo]
carteira:Bank contracts.
dataVencimento:Date the bill expires.
dataDesconto:Maximum date for granting the discount. [default: dataVencimento]
dataDocumento:Bill date. [default: today]
 Creation date bill. [default: today]
desconto:Bill discount amount.
valor:Bill amount.
multa:Percentage of fee to be charged (per month). [default: false]
juros:Percentage of interest to be charged (per month). [default: false]
jurosApos:How many days after expired will be charged the interest. [default: 0]
diasProtesto:How many days after expired will be protested. [default: 0]
numero:Bill number. (Will be used to generate the Nosso Número)
 Your internal bill number.
numeroControle:Any control that you may have, the same one sent will be returned in Retorno
 Texts that will be shown in the bill Demonostrativo field.
instrucoes:Texts that will be shown in the bill Instruções ao caixa field.
 Texts that will be shown at the top of the bill with instructions for printing or anything else you want to communicate.
aceite:If the bill is accepted by the customer. [default: N]
especieDoc:Kind of bill. (Usually DM - Duplicata Mercantil) [default: DM]
pagador:The Pagador.
beneficiario:The Beneficiário

See also

API bill docs
Documentation for return objects.
Examples of use