
There are 2 ways to render the bill

  1. In the Boleto object itself there are the renderPDF() and renderHTML() methods that render it individual.
  2. Instantiating a rendering class by adding the desired amount of tickets and calling the render() method;

See below the explanation of each one of them:


To render in PDF you first need a Boleto instance.

Render individually

$boleto->renderPDF($print = false, $instrucoes = true);

// This will generate a PDF string

// If you want to show a print window after rendering pass true on the first argument

// If you want to hide the print instructions pass false in the second argument
$boleto->renderPDF(false, false);

Render multiple

$pdf = new Eduardokum\LaravelBoleto\Boleto\Render\Pdf();

// Add as many bills as you want.

// Or, Simply

// If you want to show a print window after rendering.

// If you want to hide the print instructions.

// To Render
$pdf->gerarBoleto($dest = self::OUTPUT_STANDARD, $save_path = null);

Options available for PDF destinations:

Pdf::OUTPUT_STANDARD Return a PDF with headers.
Pdf::OUTPUT_DOWNLOAD Force download.
Pdf::OUTPUT_SAVE Save PDF on disk, require a second parameter with a save_path.
Pdf::OUTPUT_STRING Return a PDF string.


To render in HTML you first need a Boleto instance.

Render individually

$boleto->renderHTML($print = false, $instrucoes = true);

// This will generate a HTML string.

// If you want to show a print window after rendering pass true on the first argument.

// If you want to hide the print instructions pass false in the second argument.
$boleto->renderHTML(false, false);

Render multiple

$html = new Eduardokum\LaravelBoleto\Boleto\Render\Html();

// Add as many bills as you want

// Or, Simply

// If you want to show a print window after rendering.

// If you want to hide the print instructions.

// To Render, this will return a html string.

// Html also provides a ``carnê`` as a form of rendering.